Custom Promotional Products
One Inch Round manufactures custom buttons and magnets from customer supplied artwork. All of our products are USA Made in Portland, OR by us, factory direct. Our high quality, low pricing on small orders, and high volume discounts make buttons and magnets affordable for any customer.

3" Buttons
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1.25" Round Magnets
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2.25" Round Magnets
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1.25" Flyer Card Button
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Mini-Button Packs
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Fold-Over Button Packs with 3-5 Buttons
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Fold-Over Button Packs with 6-8 Buttons
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1.25" Button Pack with 3 Buttons
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1.25" x 4 Button Pack
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1.25" x 5 Button Pack
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5 Button Multi Pack
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3" Button Pack with 2 Buttons
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Button Boxes
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Magnet Sets
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2.25" Magnet 2-Pack
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1" Custom "I Heart" Buttons
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1.25" Custom "I Heart" Buttons
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1.5" Custom "I Heart" Buttons
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2.25" Custom "I Heart" Buttons
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